Special fruit acid exfoliant for high speed skin renewal
Currently the strongest peeling the purePeel series combines in a unique formula alpha- and beta-hydroxy-acids. The effect of the purePeel Complex with salicylic acid is amplified to provide a more effective penetration of the ingredients.
Salicylic acid is anticacterial, anti-inflammatory and keratolysis.
Salicylic acid is formed in the nature of plants and serves mainly to ward off drought damage. It promotes the penetration of the purePeel Complex through the peel of dead skin cells.
This amplified peeling serves as a special application for acne scars and macropores.
These positive effects can be used especially for dry skin, aging skin, keratinization disorders, as well as pigment stains. The skin appears healthier, small wrinkles are visibly reduced and the skin gets a more youthful appearance.
Hint: You can use it on rough places like elbow and knee.
How To Use
Apply 3-4 pumps of the purePeel aha selective gel in a thin layer to your cleansed skin every other evening. We recommend you leaving it on for up to 10 minutes before througly washing the gel off with water.
The application of the gel can leave you with a slight tingling sensation or feeling of warmth. This is product-specific and is a sign of the exfoliation effects taking place. If this reaction is excessive, then remove the gel immediatly with water.
After this, we recommend the application of Skin Repair cream. This regenerating cream is geared towards the needs of exfoliation skin and also strengthens the natural skin barrier.
Do not apply the gel to the area around the eyes or on mucous membranes. Only to be used by adolescents and adults. Store out of the reach of children.